How to Use Office 365 Calendar: The Ultimate Guide - CNDRO Website
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How to Use Office 365 Calendar: The Ultimate Guide

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What is Office 365 Calendar?

The Microsoft Office 365 suite of business applications is packed with helpful features, and the Calendar is no exception. This digital scheduler lets you keep track of important events and appointments with ease. And because it’s a cloud-based service, you can access your calendar from virtually any computer or mobile device.

If you use the Office 365 Calendar, you probably already know it’s an essential tool for managing your busy schedule. But did you know that the Calendar in Office 365 has many useful features that can help you manage your time more effectively? If not, don’t worry — this article will explain everything you need to know about using the Microsoft Office 365 Calendar app to stay organized and on track every day of the week!

How to Access the Microsoft Office 365 Calendar

Before you start using the Calendar in Office 365, you need to know how to access it first. There are a couple of pretty easy ways you can access Office 365 calendar. The first way is to go to this address: It will open an outlook page where you have the email, calendar, and the to-do tabs at the bottom left of the page. Click on the calendar tab, and boom…there you are!

Another way to access the Calendar is by going through Bing. Go to on your browser and click on the three dots tab at the top. You’d see a drop down, scroll down to Office and select the Calendar option.

The last and the easiest way to access the Calendar is to simply type Calendar in your browser and allow your browser to complete it. However, this works best with google calendar.

Office 365 Calendar Overview

The Calendar interface is shown in the image below. It’s a free version so it has limited features. However, you can perform basic functions like creating events, sharing your calendar, add calendars, edit calendars, view holidays, and others.

Viewing your Calendar

You can choose different views for your calendar. You can choose week, month, week, work week, and day view.

How to Create an Event in Office 365 Calendar

To create an event in Calendar, simply click on the menu “New Event” at the top left corner of the page. A new page pops up that allows you to create an event. Here, you have the scheduling assistant, response options, show as, and categorize.

Editing Events on the Calendar

To edit an event on the calendar, open the event by clicking on it. Change the details you wish to modify and save.

Deleting Events on the Calendar

If you wish to remove an event, you can delete it by clicking on the event(specifically, click on the event time) in the calendar. You will see the delete option, select and your event will be deleted.

Another method is to click on the edit button, a new page would be opened, at the top left corner, you’ll see the delete option.

Sharing your Calendar with Others

You can share your Calendar with people inside or outside your organization. It’s easy to do that. Go to the share menu at the top right corner of the page, click on it to share. You can share through an email and set permissions for the user.

Wrapping Up

Calendar is one such program that can be used to keep track of events and appointments. It also allows users to create their own custom calendars and manage various events and reminders.

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