Amazon Web Services - CNDRO.LLC
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Why Should You Use AWS?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a simple, and constantly evolving cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. combines a mix of IaaS (infrastructure as a service), PaaS (platform as a service)  and packaged SaaS (software as a service)  offerings.

Athough AWS has gained wide recognition as a top contender in the cloud computing space, It’s misconception and complexities are still in play. Get experienced insights into popular important questions regarding AWS deployment and management. as well as  an overview of  the, costs, benefits monitoring, challenges, and more.

AWS Use Cases

Migration Hybrid Cloud

Tools and services in AWS are designed to help with successful migration of applications, databases, servers and data onto a public cloud. A location monitor is provided by the AWS migration hub which manages on premises to cloud server migration. Upon successful migration to the server, the configuration of on premise servers and AWS instances is carried out by the EC2 Systems manager.

Databases, data management

Managed database services are provided by AWS through its Amazon Relational Database Service, which includes varying options such as for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB and a proprietary super performing database called Amazon Aurora. AWS also provides managed NoSQL databases through Amazon DynamoDB.


Scalable object storage for data backup, archival, and analytics, is offered by Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Up to 5 GB of data files can be stored as S3 objects by An IT professional inside S3 buckets to organize them. Through its infrequent access storage tier, a business can save money or use Amazon Glacier for long-term cold storage.


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) offers virtual servers also known as instances  for optimum compute capacity. The EC2 service provides tons of these virtual types on different capacities and sizes, specifically created for varying workload types and applications, including memory-intensive and high-paced computing jobs. An auto-scaling tool is also offered by AWS  to scale capacity dynamically to sustain instance health and performance.

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